Sharing Forgotten Truth
Sharing Forgotten Truth
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

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Top-of-Mind Questions
What is sin?
What is Sin? Sin is a rejection of YHWH’s will, defined in the Bible as the violation of His commandments (1 John 3:4). It separates us from YHWH, removing us from His presence and exiling us from our true purpose as His image-bearers, called to reflect His love and wisdom. Instead of worshiping YHWH, sin leads us to idolatry—placing created things above the Creator. This distortion not only breaks our relationship with YHWH but also empowers evil and disrupts the harmony of creation. However, through Jesus Christ (YHWShA), forgiveness and restoration are possible (1 John 1:9), bringing us back into YHWH’s presence and restoring us to our intended purpose.
What must I do to be saved?
Read the whole bible in context. And for quick reference see these verses: John 3:3-5, Acts 2:37-38, and Acts 16:30-31.
Why do you have this website?
Read Matthew 28:19.
Top-of-Mind Questions
What is sin?
What is Sin? Sin is a rejection of YHWH’s will, defined in the Bible as the violation of His commandments (1 John 3:4). It separates us from YHWH, removing us from His presence and exiling us from our true purpose as His image-bearers, called to reflect His love and wisdom. Instead of worshiping YHWH, sin leads us to idolatry—placing created things above the Creator. This distortion not only breaks our relationship with YHWH but also empowers evil and disrupts the harmony of creation. However, through Jesus Christ (YHWShA), forgiveness and restoration are possible (1 John 1:9), bringing us back into YHWH’s presence and restoring us to our intended purpose.
What must I do to be saved?
Read the whole bible in context. And for quick reference see these verses: John 3:3-5, Acts 2:37-38, and Acts 16:30-31.
Why do you have this website?
Read Matthew 28:19.
Top-of-Mind Questions
What is sin?
What is Sin? Sin is a rejection of YHWH’s will, defined in the Bible as the violation of His commandments (1 John 3:4). It separates us from YHWH, removing us from His presence and exiling us from our true purpose as His image-bearers, called to reflect His love and wisdom. Instead of worshiping YHWH, sin leads us to idolatry—placing created things above the Creator. This distortion not only breaks our relationship with YHWH but also empowers evil and disrupts the harmony of creation. However, through Jesus Christ (YHWShA), forgiveness and restoration are possible (1 John 1:9), bringing us back into YHWH’s presence and restoring us to our intended purpose.
What must I do to be saved?
Read the whole bible in context. And for quick reference see these verses: John 3:3-5, Acts 2:37-38, and Acts 16:30-31.
Why do you have this website?
Read Matthew 28:19.