The Kingdom of Heaven: A Reality Experienced by Adam and Eve

In the Garden of Eden, our first ancestors, Adam and Eve, lived in perfect harmony with Yah, their King, having direct access to Him. This was the divine plan, for mankind to be an integral part of the Kingdom of Alohiym (God).

The Fall: Shattering the Idyllic Existence

Adam and Eve's disobedience shattered their idyllic existence. By succumbing to the temptation of the serpent, they were banished from the Kingdom of Alohiym, severed from direct communion with Him.

Yet, Alohiym promised that someone from the human family would eventually defeat the serpent and restore Yah's kingdom on earth.

The Divorce: Seeking a Way Back to the Kingdom

Throughout history, humanity longed to regain the Kingdom of Yah that was lost in the fall. At the tower of Babel, Alohiym chose to divorce Himself from the world and work through one man and his family – Abraham. Through Abraham, Alohiym intended to reveal Himself as the Almighty, Yahuah (YHWH), and be an example to the rest of the nations.

Redemption: The Anointed One and the Restoration

In the fullness of time, the son of Alohiym, YHWShA, came as the anointed one – the Christ. He became the King of the Kingdom of Heaven, the very kingdom that was once experienced by Adam and Eve. Through YHWShA's sacrifice, redemption and restoration were made possible for all nations to be part of the family of Alohiym.

Action: Becoming a Citizen of the Kingdom

Understanding the Kingdom of Heaven is essential, but it is equally vital to take action and become a citizen of this kingdom. Regardless of nationality or heritage, we are all meant to be one people with one God. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, YHWShA and the Apostle Peter emphasized the need to be born again through repentance, baptism, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Embracing a Present Reality

The Kingdom of Heaven is not a distant dream but a present reality. Through the sacrifice of YHWShA, we are invited to be part of this kingdom, to experience the love, grace, and fellowship of the Creator. Let us take action, make a decision, and embrace the Kingdom of Heaven – a diverse and united family under the reign of YHWShA, our King.

Scriptural References: Genesis 1-3, Matthew 3:2, Matthew 4:17, John 3:3-5, Acts 2:38

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Archivist Eddard Valthorne
Writer, Babel Report

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